Hi! I apologize for that. Maybe I am a little confused by what exactly you are asking then. What kind of pre printed orders are you referring to then? I don't understand how this order set gets into the patients chart then as a part of an order if there isn't any physician saying "use this order set" or something like that. I mentioned the "Chest pain orders" to explain what typically happens at my hospital. I get patients from the ER that basically just have "Admit to telemetry, diet, iv, activity, meds, etc, but then it says "Initiate Chest Pain Protocol". For that, we get the pre-printed order set and make that a verbal or recopied order to get those initiated.
I guess i am unclear on just how you even know to put that particular order set on that patient. If you could explain that a bit more, maybe i can offer more advice. Sorry for the confusion.
P.S. I just thought of one more possibility. We have a vaccination screening tool that is included with every admission. This is to screen for Pneumonia and Flu vaccines. There are questions for the patient to determine if either or both of thes vaccines are indicated for each patient. For example, asks if have had the vaccines recently, asks if currently flu season, asks allergies to eggs for flu vaccine, and also has a spot if pateint does not want the vaccine. After you have asked the questions, you see if the vaccines are indicated or not indicated based on their responses. If they are indicated, that paper is scanned to the pharmacy and the vaccines are sent up to give. This screening tool and ordering and giving tha vaccine does not require a physicians signature at all, not even as a telephone or verbal order. The hospital as a whole is able to offer and give those vaccines as a community illness prevention tool. There is actually a policy stating that this can and is done without physican consent and all doctors are aware of this. Patients are also told that this is not required but is a choice left up to them.
Is this more of what you are referring to? You can email me privately as well if you wish. I will return the email but it may be a day or so as I don't check my email everyday. I hope this helps. :-)
[email protected]