If you are in worcester, look out west, springfield area. I am quite sure baystate or Mercy are hiring new grads.... also, your timing may be off... traditionally hospitals don't do alot of hiring in the winter, after christmas.
Another thing.... I have experience with central MA hospitals... many have a real problem with HR and nurse recruiters being dead end contacts... rare to reach a real person! I have gone through the back door a few times, contacting the nurse managers of the units, and working out a job first.... then they go to HR and set me up with the official paper work. You could go back to your school and ask some of your teachers to give you the names of some nurse managers at local hospitals, and call them... Don't rely on the the BLACK HOLE that is the online application process.... you may get a call back in two years.... after you've finished truck driving school! Go camp out on the the nurse recruiter's doorstep. Find out where their office is.... call and leave messages every couple of days! They will NEVER get back to you, unless you haunt them!
P.S. Apply for med/surg floor positions, not specialty areas, and you may need to start on night shift