Fri 19 Jan, 2007 12:10 pm
I'm not a nurse but i really need help!
I really have no one to ask about this and i'm too young to go to a doctor or anything like that because my parents will know something's up but my boyfriend has pus coming out around the head of his penis and he said it kind of hurts and my vagina itches pretty bad. Last time we did it it was sort of hard to get in at first and we didnt use a condom which i already know is extremely dumb and i'm really scared. I would really appreciate if some one would please help me...
need help
I suggest you go to your nearest planned parenthood clinic where they can assist you without informing your parents. Its an infection of some sort. Whether or not its a sexually transmitted disease remains to be seen. At any rate you BOTH need to go. You can also go to your family doctor and tell yur parents that you think you have a bladder infection or something. You can ask the doctor to LIMIT the information they give your parents. It may just be a yeast infection. It could be something worse. Dont let it go!!!
you need to go see a dr, and he also needs to see someone. something is wrong if pus is coming out of his penis, and if you had sex, you could catch whatever he has. see someone as soon as you can.