Sun 7 Jan, 2007 10:54 pm
need advise
I am new to this forum and need advise. I am too embarressed to ask somebody this question in person, so thank god for this forum. Last semester, I attended my first semester of nursing school. I was so confused and could not understand the concepts and was just too stressed out. In fact, I choose the sillist answers on the tests. The teacher said that I showed signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. I went to a psych. and she said that I suffered from ADHD and a mild bi-polar disorder. She put me on paxil and lamactil. It seems to be working for me but I'm not under any stress right now. I am going into nursing school this semester and I am scared that maybe it is just me and not my disorders that is preventing me from being able to be a nurse. I took all of the preq. (science/math) and i got all A's in them. She said that when I get stressed, my disorders will get worse. I need some advise. Could these disorders really affect my nursing school w/o meds? Thank you
A co-worker of mine had a very similar situation.... She is incredibly intelligent, but was flunking out of nursing school, failed the first semester..... Got on meds and did much better! She swears by them! She has now been a nurse for some 10 years, and has a mind like a steel trap! Remembers all kinds of details about meds, diseases, interesting facts...ect. Stay on your meds, believe in yourself, and give it another shot! The only failure is not to try!