Mon 13 Nov, 2006 12:31 pm
My wife is a nursing major and I know the usual workshift if 10 to 12 hours. However, how many hours per month does a nurse average? Do they work 3-twelve hours shifts one week, then 4 the next?
I am trying to get an idea about pay.
Usually three 12 hour shifts/week, so annual salary needs to be calculated based on a 36 hour work week, not 40. This is a little accounting trick that saves hospitals money. Where the traditional 40 hour work week still exists, the hourly salary is usually less than 36 hour per week salaries, but the actual annual salary is more because you get paid for a full 40 hours per week.
For example:
$28/hr X 40 hrs/week X 52 weeks = $58,240/year
$30/hr X 36 hrs/week X 52 weeks = $56,160/year
$31/hour X 36hrs/week X 52 weeks = $58,032/year
Bear in mind that you also have to factor in differentials for evenings, nights and weekends to get a true picture of the annual salary.