HELP!!! I need help with my thesis project!!
Hi, I'm a Industrial Design student, I need to find a solution to "decrease the issues of psychological disorder among ICU/ER nurses and/ physicians" and i need YOUR HELP!! THANKS A LOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE!! comment on the following questions:
1) Do you think the doctor or the nurses are under higher stress? Why? (feel free to give any comment questions or advices that can change the nature of the ICU/ER to make it less stressful)
2) Do you think nurses/doctors working in ER faces higher stress or nurses/doctors working in ICU faces higher stress? Why?
Plz answer the following questions if you're working in ER/ICU:
3) Are you currently experiencing psychological stress disorders? If so, how would you relieve psychological stress? Did you find it helpful?
4) If nurses/doctors are experiencing psychological stress disorders do you believe it affects the care of the patient, if yes in what way?
5) If nurses are experiencing psychological stress disorders do you believe it affects their personal lives, if yes in what way?
6) Do you think employers provide education/support/coping strategies for their staff on the issue of psychological stress disorders? If yes, is it working, why or why not?
7) Do you think hospitals should have a support system in place for staff who is feeling the stress of their jobs?
8. Which part of your job triggers psychological stress disorder?
9. How stressful would you rate your job? 1-severe 5- mild