wanna be nurse
Hi Rosie, I really hope you choose to do this. I was a single parent of a 5 and 8 yr old. Went to school full time and studied at night after they went to bed, usally around 8PM. I also had to work part time to make ends meet. There are usually programs to help fund your education especially if you are single parent and have low income.
They pay for education, child care while at school, books and uniforms. I didn't qualify for these but knew others who did. You need to contact the county in which you reside to inquire about such programs, also the school that you want to attend. There are also state grants, such as PELL grant that give you funds according to your income. Another area to look is military, especially if your father is a veteran. I wish you the best luck, I don't have a single regret, and absolutly love nursing.