Tue 5 Sep, 2006 03:42 am
caLifornia applic.. i need help?
i just passed the LocaL board here in the phiLippines and im having a hard time regarding the appLication.. i have requested for a Fingerprint card from the California BON two weekz ago and stiLL have't receive it yet.. how wouLd i be abLe to check on when i wiLL be receiving it? can i mail my application incLuding aLL d requirements needed ahead without the fingerprint card? or should it all be sent to the Board of Nursing at once? i reaLLy reaLLy need heLP???
It took a while for them to send me the fingerprint cards. After two weeks, I sent an email to remind them that I still hadn't received them. I would definitely give them a call about whether to send the fingerprint cards later or together with your app.
I had made a silly mistake of only getting one card done, so I chose to send card about a week later. Like you, I didn't want to wait. I called them before I did this to see if it would be okay --- and I included a note in with the app that I would be sending the second card shortly. Also, use the supplied confirmation cards whenever you send them something.
good luck.
ei thanx for the repLy.. iL make sure to do what you've said..