Fri 11 Aug, 2006 10:35 pm
How do you live a normal life working 11-7?
I just got hired as a Hospice nurse, doing home cases. They only had 11-7 available. I want to work for Hospice because I am cut out to make a difference in this difficult field, knowing it takes certain nurses to handle this job. I'm just scared hearing all the negative feedback with my research. I already have nighttime insomnia, and actually have always struggled the dayshift anyway. I'm excited, but also petrified, having 2 small kids ages 3 and 6. I am married, and my hubby works days. My kids will be attending daycare and school although I'll be home. I'd like to hear other's experiences and how you feel day to day. Do you always feel out of sorts? I'm open to any advice too....Thank you....