Mon 7 Mar, 2005 09:18 pm
Need an opinion from a psychiatric nurse please
I have a dilema. I will be graduating in June of this year and I have a strong desire to go into psychiatric nursing. I am unsure if I should just "dive" right into this field or not. My feeling is that if I do I will lose all of the skills that I learned in nursing school and that they will be of no use in psychatric nursing (of course I will learn new nursing skills in this field). I am not sure if I should go to med/surg first and then psychiatry or just do psychiatry right away. Any thoughts on this would greatly be appreciated.
Need an opinion from a psychiatric nurse please
I started out in psych. I had a psych degree before going into nursing and figured I would always be a psych nurse. After 18 months I decided I wasted most of my nurses training so I transferred to the ED. I am very happy that I took the leap because I honed all of my nursing skills and feel much better about my talents.