Do I have to do my preceptorship in med/surg?
Hi all,
I'm new to this board. I'm in my 3rd semester of nursing school, and we were told in class today that we must turn in our requests for our 5th semester (preceptorship) clinical placements. The problem is, I still haven't done my maternity, psych, or public health rotations, so I don't have the full picture of what I'd like to specialize in, though I like peds quite a bit.
One of the faculty seems to be scaring people into choosing med/surg for their 5th semester, telling us that 65% of the NCLEX is med/surg, and that nurses who did med/surg are the happiest ones, but I don't want to rely on just one person for such an important decision.
I'd rather not do my preceptorship in med/surg, but I wanted to get everyone's input on this. I have to turn in my request on March 28th, so I hope to hear from everyone soon!