Male RNs a must

I would LOVE to see more male RN's!!!!
The only 2 males I've worked with in 5yrs have been nursing aides. It would be great to have a male point of view in the mix. I like how men can be less emotional, less gossipie and to the point. I also feel that if the nursing playing field becomes gender level, the profession as a whole will gain more attention from a wider variety of people. I hope that more guys will stay working the floor and not jump to admin. Don't let society's stereotyping get you down 'cause you will be welcomed with opened arms. Patients will call you Dr. but, they'll call all male staff Dr. (respiratory guys, xray/ulta sound techs, PT/OT"s etc,). Proudly make patients aware that you are an RN!!!
Have you experienced any incidences of disrespect that you felt stemmed from your gender?
It would be interesting if you were to keep a blog or web page sharing your experiences as you enter nursing.
Better yet, team up with a female entering the practice and do a side-by-side comparison of each gender's experience entering this field.
Best of luck to you, Josh!!!!