Fri 7 Jul, 2006 12:11 pm
question: Can nurses unite and support each other?
i read this forum reguarly and enjoy the knowledge i gain from it.
one thing i see alot of, nurses being hateful and hard on each other.
question is this?
is there something we can do as a professional group to become united and show much more love, care, concern, and strength as a group of "nurses"?
instead of hateful, backstabbing, lieing, hurting, and decietful co-working?
it is my thought that as a "team" with love in our heart, we could accomplish so much more than a TEAM that is out to step upon or vent on the other people you work with.
it only takes a spark to make a fire going.
so, this is open for discussion.
how do you think we could begin a new era of "positive nursing teaming"
and put to rest the enemy nursing team playing?
C what i am meaning?
You are so right

...the old saying "nurses eat their own"...not funny.
I have found the east-coast of the united states to be the worst...I have worked in several states and boy-o-boy....I just wonder what would happen if MD's were as back stabbing to each other as we are....Sad...this could be a wonderful profession if we just all got along...haha..

...I have made it my goal to avoid nit-picking and complaining of what the other shift did not do....nursing is continuous...24-7...get over the lazy ones and enjoy the diligent ones. I so enjoy my patients it is just the politics of the job that chaps my...well you know...Anyway everyone just take one chance and look at the positive all our fellow professionals....yes we are professionals.....
I have a habit of complimenting -- encouraging -- being positive -- smiling -- as a part of my job duties.
And it is part of my rules for daily living at work........ NOT to participate in the drama of the day there.
If you were to ask me what so and so was doing -- where they are -- how their husband and children are ---
i tell you honestly, i do not know.
I attempt to concentrate solely on the patients I have been assigned to, my responsibilities , my reactions , my attitude...... etc.
i have found that when i do this like i am supposed to, I dont have time to worry about others and their doings.
And sometimes, people ask me...... what are you so happy about. what are you selling. what is it you want from me? they look at me strange because i am trying to be complimentary -- encouraging -- and positive. But it only takes a spark to get the fire going. And I hope to start a new trend........
Lets be uplifting, encouraging, positive with a permanent smile on our faces. And when a sister nurse needs help ..... do it with enthusiasm.
After all, how would you want YOUR nurse to be when YOU are in that hospital or nursing home bed? some day, we may be there and I dont think I want to be served by a grumpy, back stabbing, negative nurse.
I think I will find more hope and health in laughter, positive attitudes, and good morale. It takes effort / work but I believe it is well worth the price to have helped someone feel better and have more hope / health.
hope this helps and even helps me to remember !!
I agree with you. I am a student nurse who graduates in May. I have noticed the backstabbing in this profession and the way that some, certainly not all nurses treat new nurses and students. A lot of them are great, but it's discouraging when you're just trying to learn and you are belittled for things you don't know. I think if the nurse manager were to get something going and simply NOT stand for this kind of behavior it would help. I've seen nurses be oriented, and then quit or not make it through orientation because of the older nurses picking on them. WHY??? Don't we want to help new nurses become great health care providers. I just don't understand and it makes me mad.