Wed 5 Jul, 2006 12:48 am
what should i do to become an RN
please for all of the RN or students becoming RN i need help what classes do i need to take to become an RN i'm a first timer on going to college and i'm going to a community college and i'm a bit scared because is that going to lower my chances as a RN and if u can give me tips or a good school that i can maybe tranfer to or a training school to become a RN
thank you
from a future RN hopefully
You can go to a community college to become an RN (you can get your ADN there). You will need to take some prerequisite classes before getting into nursing school. They include courses in English Composition, Anatomy, Physiology, Microbiology, Psychology, and Sociology, but your school can give you specific details on which classes you need to take.
I'm getting ready for my first year of nursing school (this next fall semester). I've already completed two years of school; I didn't decide on nursing until my second year, which mostly consisted of getting my pre-req classes out of the way.
If I were you I'd check out some schools you might want to attend and go ask questions.
For an ADN you're going to be in school for at least 5-6 full-time semesters, and for a BSN tack on an extra 2-3. Some schools are different and require different classes, ect..
Right now I'm going to get my ADN because the school I'm attending only offers that degree. Right after I graduate and get my licence I'm more than likely going to jump right into a RN-BSN program and get my BSN. I would just go ahead and get my BSN right away but the school I'm going to first is offering me free tuition, so I'm not passing that up. Then after I get the ADN it's only 2 more semesters and a couple summer classes.
But you should do some research. And know that ALMOT ALL nursing schools are DIFFERENT in some way or another, so dig deep.