Sat 27 May, 2006 10:30 pm
Critical Care Nurses
I've been a nurse for 20 years. Most of them in different types of units ICU/ ER/CVICU. Some things never change. People are so callous, opinionated, and nasty. The people I am referring to are other nurses. I get so frustrated and feel nursing can be a very abusive profession. I'm not a poly-anna, but some nurses are judgemental, critical and rude. Depending on what type of mindframe I'm in, I can deal with this better at times. Today was a sucky day. I like to feel like fulfilled in my job. Some days its very difficult to let the rude comments people say go in one ear and out the other. My sensitivity level is high today. HELP!!!

Need support.
critical care nurses
What you say is very true. There are many critical care nurses with an attitude. Don't take it personally. As long as you are doing your best, keep in mind that you have given your all for that day. Don"t let someone elses attitude become your problem. Try to remember that that other person may be having a bad day too. I travel, I work local agency and I do not work anywhere I do not like or where miserable people work. I go for top dollar and I reward myself well for bad days. Remember that if someone else has a problem or says something nasty, its not your problem unless you make it so. You can't control what other people say and do, but you can control how you react to it. Shrug your shoulders, say this is not about me, and dont worry about it.