Mon 15 May, 2006 07:47 pm
I need to interview a RN PLEASE!! for school
If any will answer these 20 questions i would greatly appreciate it. I have a research paper due in school and i need proof for an interview.
1. What was your first position in health care?
2. What was your job as a CNA?
3. How did you become a LPN?
4. How did working as a LPN differ from your job as a CNA?
5. What training and education does it take to become an RN?
6. Describe your schedule.
7. Was it difficult to work and go to school at the same time?
8. How long have you been a RN?
9. What do you enjoy most about being a nurse?
10. What would you tell to others who may consider the nursing profession.
11. If you had to choose careers again, would you still choose nursing?
12. What are the opprotunities for advancement?
13. What would be the average salary be for an RN?
14. How did you select this occupation?
15. What skills are needed in this field?
16. What classes would you recommend to take in high school?
17. What would you change about your job?
18. Do RN's recieve good benefits?
19. What is the most stressful thing about your job?
20. Is it hard to get a job in this field?
you can email me personally your questions and i will answer them for you. I cannot see your questions and post a reply so I cannot remember all of your questions now. Most nurses will not be able to answer all of your questions. Many of us did not start as a CNA then LPN the RN. I started as an RN. I have been nursing 32 years.
[email protected]