Mon 15 May, 2006 09:07 am
home pregnancy test
hey everyone, please help me out if you would. Last month My husband and i had a mistake on the 9th but i started my period on the 11th and it ended around the 18th or 19th. On may 5th i had another cycle that lasted 7 days from may the 5th until may the 12th. But from days 13th until today i have been spotting QD once daily. The only early pregnancy symptoms i have are my nipples sore. I have not had any nausea/vom. weight increase or fatigue. I took a HPT yesterday and it was positive. I took another one this morning and it was negative. Should i call my doctor or just wait it out?
I would call your doctor. Some spotting in early pregnancy is normal. With one positive and one negative Pregnancy test, it's hard to tell what's going on, but they can at least do a blood test for accuracy.