Sat 22 Apr, 2006 06:55 pm
picu vs peds
Hi, I have seen a lot of new grads in ICUs and I personally think they need more experience before going into ICU. There is a lot to learn and if you work peds first, learn nursing in the real world and all of the little things you need to know--meds, doses, disease, minor emergiencies, family problems. You will be much better prepared to go to the ICU and then you can concentrate on learning codes, emergency meds, monitoring equipment, arrhythmias and treatment, etc.
peadiatric essentials
In reply to your statements I quite agree Iam researching the most valued aspects of peadiatric nursing to design a peadiatric nursing aid and any information that you would like to be included would be most appricated I am looking took get as much response as possible to formualte a draft from as peadiatric nurses as possible.