Thu 13 Apr, 2006 08:53 am
FNG and IMG-to-be
I graduated from a nurse school in august 2005 in Romania and I`m graduating from medicine in october 2006.
Are these two incompatible in any way?
Can I start CGFNS process and then take NCLEX?
Thanks for reading and answering

So, far as I know, if they will accept your credits, their is nothing to keep you from sitting the test in Florida. They do require you to have gone to school, you can't just challenge the test, but if they accept the credits then, there should be no stoping you. Why you would want to do this is another matter? The differnce in dollars will make you want to be a doctor, and the freedom. As a doctor you are not tied to one place, as a nurse is. If you are only one year from graduation as a doctor then you should have plenty of education to be able to pass the NCLEX. But nurseing does have some specialied knowlege, mostly remmembering what we are not allowed to do, like practicing medicine on our own. I have no idea what they will and will not accept form Romania. I do know a few Colombians trying to get into the nursing field here, they are having some difficulty. Although the anestitist person is very good, he is only a tech right now while he waits to sort it all out so he can sit for the test. We have lots of doctors from many countries so I think they must be allowed to sit for those tests. You might want to wait that year out at home, but write the nursing board of the state you want to live in, because they are all different, and ask them what you can do, and what they will accept. By the time you get your answers a year might have passed anyway. Good luck, we need all the help we can get.
Thanks a lot Sharpknife for answering, I really appreciate it.
I went to nurse school between 2002 and 2005, and in the meantime I was also studying medicine. I only have to wait 4 more months to get my MD diploma.
I understand you are suggesting that I should pick a state and start CGFNS process, that is my plan as well. I intend to work as a nurse possibly on a EB 3 visa (immigrant visa).
My only problem is: should I tell the nursing board of the state I choose that I am also an MD, or keep it a secret? Can I have any problems with that, or just the opposite?
I hope I`m not boring you with my problem