HELP! Need Info.
Help! Im a student at CDA Charter in Idaho (web site and I'm doing a Pediatric Nurse report as my job subject. I need these 10 questions answer please:
1) What is like on the job everyday?
2) How many hours do you work each day?
3) What specific skills are important on the job?
4) Do you work at home?
5) Is it required for you to go to special classes for being a Pediatric nurse?
6) How long to you have to go to school to become a Pediatric nurse?
7) What do you think is the best thing about your job?
8) How much do you get paid yearly?
9) How much do you get paid average?
10) What is the hardest part of your job?
Thank You! Please send your replys to
[email protected][/i]