Mon 27 Mar, 2006 01:37 pm
Job respect
Hi. I have three jobs in the nursing field. I am a school nurse Monday-Friday. I work in OB/Intensive care nursery during school breaks and through the year PRN. My 3rd job, I work weekends as a Case Manager/discharge planner.
Here's the rub. I am treated with varying degrees of respect by the public and other nurses in accordance with the specific job. I get by far the most respect in my case management position, followed by the OB/ICN, and by far the least amount of respect in my school nurse position. It's really crazy because the job that is EASILY the most demanding is the school nurse job for so many reasons.
Are other nurses experiencing the same thing? And do you other nurses feel that school nursing is "sub-nursing?' Thanks for your input.
I have no idea about school nursing, but try a few shifts in a nursing home, you'll know what true disrespect is. You are screamed at, spit on, hit, and cursed on a regular basis.