Hay kid, you definitely have my respect. Its takes balls to go into a field which requires you to be responsible.
I understand the dilemma you�ll be facing. At your age, sadly I was one those kids who probably would have teased you. Buts that�s only because I wasn�t very mature at the time.
Look at it this way:-
you�ll have a bursary (4/5k per year) while your studying (your mates will be only getting a EMA grant of 30.00/week).
When your 20 you�ll have a degree (it takes people 5 years to get a degree after leaving school - two years at college (A-levels/GNVQ) & then three years doing a degree)
If your smart you�ll go for your diploma then degree, then masters and finally PhD!
And finally you�ll have lots of hot young nurses as class mate

need I say more!!!