Sat 19 Apr, 2008 11:44 am
Anyone know about nursing in NYC?
I want to ask people if the know anything about nurses being recruited in NYC where hospitals partially compensate their rent. I am a nursing student at the moment and I am planning in moving to NY as soon as I graduate. Does anyone have any advice for me?
nursing in NYC
I'VE been wrking in NYC ER's for the last 88 years....I recommend a state hospital , they pay is to sa sa 55-65k but the benfits are if you want dollars and at st.vincents...they pay new nurses well, and if you work nights even better......but once you finish working full time at a hospital, the real way to make money in nyc is the agecy per deim. in other words you start workingper deim for a nursing staff agency and they pay 48,00 an hour, which is better the hospital overtime....think about it
do you know...
Thank you for your reply. What you said makes a lot of sense. Can you recommend an agency? Also...what do you mean by state hospital? Can you give me an example of one?