Tue 25 Jul, 2006 10:31 am
sore penis problem
I'm not circumcised and in the last month i've been getting chapped foreskin after being intimate with my girlfreind of a year. It gets really irritated and seems like it wants to tighten up and not stretch over the head of my penis its so chapped to the point you can see the tears where its tightening up.
Re: sore penis problem
thenurseman wrote:I'm not circumcised and in the last month i've been getting chapped foreskin after being intimate with my girlfreind of a year. It gets really irritated and seems like it wants to tighten up and not stretch over the head of my penis its so chapped to the point you can see the tears where its tightening up.
Sounds like you need to see the urologist that performed your circumcision mate. You could be setting your self up for a rip roaring infection that will make not only sex painful but urinating as well.
sorry about your penis...
You may need to have a circumcision. I see this is a few older guys with foreskin.
You may also have an irritation, slight infection, either way, seek the advice of a doctor...Are you monogamous? Several Girlfriends? A greebly gal you mated with and now you worry about your little guy?
Keep the wraps on your meat buddy...But all jokes aside, you need to get it checked...Hope all is well and keep us informed...