Hi Treena�Firstly, congratulation on getting in at Greenwich
The bursary is 6,500, more if you live in London, which should be more then enough to survive on. I survived on less then that, during my 1st degree in London.
Grade D Newly Qualified Nurses earns from 17,610 to 19,437 (nursing pay link below)
As you know, as a nurse youre never going to be rich, ever! Its going to take 4/5 years before you start to earn 26k a year, according to my research on pay! Am in the same boat as you, only difference is am a single 26 yr old man with a small dept & with no good jobs offers. The only reason why I have chosen nursing now is because you dont pay tuition fee and you get a decent bursary. Remember you can always defer your entry to 2007, so you could take the job & pay of your depts. But, if things dont work out after your trial period in your job, youll be back in limbo! Vie been told that with nursing your almost guarantied work anywhere, also you can do one yr and wk for awhile, pay off depts and go back to uni.
With two paying rent, you both should easily be able to afford decent place to rent. But if you decide to live on your own, then a decent place in London/Greenwich can be very expensive. For example, you pay 100 per week on rent (which is about the norm in London) thats 5200 a year, thats assuming you dont go back to your parents/family during the holidays. As you can see there not much left over to survive on - 1300 is nothing, but with two of you it should be feasible!
All work is boring and mundane, even nursing.
Please dont take offence, am just being honest and speaking from my own personal life experiences.
Ps I would really appreciate it if you or any uk nurses/students could help me with the interview Qs you get during the selection process.
All the best in what ever you do!