Sat 10 Dec, 2005 09:08 pm
At last.... Inner Peace
I am passing this on to you all because it worked for me and we could all do with some more calm in our busy lives.
By following some simple advice I read in a magazine, I have finally found inner peace
Apparently the way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started.
So I looked around the house to see things I started and hadnt finished; and before leaving the house this morning I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of white wine, a packet of biscuits, the remainder of both my valium and prozac prescriptions, the rest of the strawberry cheesecake, some Satsumas and a box of chocolates.
I feel so very very GOOD!
Please pass this advise on to those you feel are in need of inner peace :wink:
I love it. I'll have to search for some of my own inner peace.
That seems like a lot
I bet you did feel good. I am not sure that is what I got from the comment to finish everything you have started and not finished...if I tried to do that I would probably be dead
I am surprised that instead of finding inner peace, you did not find yourself in a coma.

Seriously though, I think that finding inner peace for nurses would have to do with knowing that your main purpose at work is not how much charting you accomplished, how many monthly summaries you finished, how much stocking you did to impress the next nurse or how much cleaning up you did to impress your boss. I think it's about knowing that at the end of your shift you supported patients who were in the most need of your assistance. Sometimes just touching someone's hand and knowing that they felt supported made a difference. To me, I feel at peace when I know that everyone got their medicine and no one is in pain and no one is lonely because they are talked to and cared for. I think that if all your patients are clean and smell fresh and bed sore free, you should feel at peace because you made everyone as comfortable as possible.
Finish a task
You're joking. You are talking to nurses. Our work is never done