Wed 8 Mar, 2006 12:06 am
I am a student nurse and am preparing to graduate in a few months. I am very nervous to begin working this summer. I was just wondering what work schedule would be recommended for a new RN graduate to get their footing in the work field? Days, swing, or night shift?
Nights, because most of your orders will have been writen during the day, as this is when most doctors round. That will give you a lot less to worry about while you are working on your organizational skills. Also there are generally fewer meds to pass, so that will also cut down on your work some too. Good luck.
I'd say do whatever shift you feel more comfortable with and when you're more awake. I don't necessarily feel a night shift is better to start off with. i started with the swing shift and did so for 2 1/2 years. I have found advantages to both. I also believe that it's better to learn how to organize yourself if you're busy. If you work a shift that is constantly slower, you don't need as much organization as you will during a busy, hectic day shift. I know a lot of night shifts are just as busy, but not continuously as a day shift. And if you work a shift when orders aren't written, how are you going to learn to multitask and set priorities. I think a lot of learning in the nursing field is hands on, you can't learn without doing. Day shifts are scary and frustrating when you first start, but see if you work with people who are good team players, they won't let you drown, at least not too badly!
student to RN
i have recently qualified as an RMN and i would suggest doing day work as this is when you get the most experience of how a ward runs. I would also suggest working in elderly for the first year as this is where it is easiest to consolidate your trainng and learn most about managing a ward. hope this helps.