Wed 15 Mar, 2006 08:31 am
Moving up at HCA?
Does anyone have insight as to what it takes to move up at HCA? I have been with them for 7 years and don't seem to be getting anywhere. Admittedly I have made more ground in the last three months than the 7 years before, but I am getting anxious. The competion and back stabing are ammazing. Any advice on running the floor, or moving up would be welcome. (I am now charge nurse on teli.)
You aren't in Georgia by chance? If not sounds like this type of situation is happening not only in Florida. It is a shame.
No not gloria, but thanks for asking. I am sure it goes on everywhere, really I was venting my frustration at the time I made the posting. You should read my other ones. The newest development is interesting. We have not seen our administrator in over 2 weeks now, the story of her where abouts is not holding up. It will be interesting to see what comes of this. I think they have kicked her to the curb.
I work for HCA too and am about ready to move on. I'm tired of being "short staffed" daily so that now the patient load is a normal routine. Last week I was primary with 4 vent patients one of whom weighed 458 lbs. On one hand I want to get out of floor nursing here on the other hand I couldn't really do management b/c I couldn't ask people to work like that!
Sometimes I wonder if they want to chase off their experienced RN's with new graduates to save money.
I have had friends that have worked at HCA hospitals all over the USA. It seems like HCA has forgotten that patient care is the reason they exist. In order to provide safe quality patient care they need to provide a safe work environment and competitive pay and benefits. Instead of worrying about hiring new nurses they need to focus on ways to retain their experienced, caring, knowledgeable nurses that they have. Instead of treating Registered Nurses like we are a necessary evil they need to treat us as professionals.