Sun 9 Sep, 2007 10:59 am
frustrated with others lack of nursing skills
I work in a fast paced sugi ctr. My manager hires nurses with minimal nursing skilled per diems to help out. My experience is that my work load has increased, my frustration level has increased, since these " RN'S" are not helpful. My concern is liability and protecting my license. I have told my manager many times. His approach is that a GI sugi ctr does not require highly skilled RN'S, and that I have to lower my expectations of them{ some of which are making more than me}. What can I do , without leaving my very flexible job? PS. I disagree with his reasoning!
I think your manager has a bad attitude and what he/she is doing is not ok. If I were you I'd go above your manager and talk to someone else. I have had bad experiences but it's been the other way around, me being the traveler and being scared of the incompetent floor nurses. It sounds like your hospital is really understaffed and your manager really doesn't have a choice on who to hire; so unfortunately it doesn't sound like it will get fixed. Any other better staffed hospitals in the area?