Fri 25 Feb, 2005 02:56 pm
Does anyone else prefer the night shift?
I have been working the night shift for a couple of months now. I actually prefer it now that I have adjusted. At first it was hard with the light coming into the room. That was easily fixed by buying black drapes. The only problem I have with the night shift is my schedule always clashes with my friends. So I don't seem them as much. Am I the only nightowl out there?
I'm a night person hands down!
Night Shift
The night shift is the best . Im with you.
Hey Vampires!!!
>>>>>>>>>vampire here

!!! LOL night shift is the best.I worked day shift for 2 years thinking that i will have more time & more of a social life,well i was wrong.Now that i am back to noghts,i can sleep for 6 hrs & go run my errands with no problems !!! I just love nights
I would really like to try the night shift but then me and my fiances schedules would be completely opposite and I would never get to see him. I don't the strain on the relationship would be worth it.
How long does it take for you to adjust to sleeping during the day?
Yeah adjusting can be hard the first time. When I first started working the night shift I actually wore a eye covering to simulate darkness, but now I pass out no problem.
Been all nights for 8 years!
In the summer time its GREAT! You can choose to forfeit a few hours sleep (couple extra coffee's that night)

and you can still enjoy all the sun and fun...reunions, picnics, parties, pool and kids if you have them. I dont know what I would do if I had to go 5 days a week daylight. Miss all the fun I guess.
Hello! I am new to this site and wanted to say I enjoy working the night shift as well! It does take a couple weeks to adjust however.
Does anyone wish to do some travel nursing together? I would like to meet some new friends an travel..
Thanks, Blessings!

Hello everyone....I love nights.....when everyone is working I am crowds during the week....I work weekends primarily, so going to attractions are nooooooo problem. Also living in sunny Florida, attractions are everywhere...I miss travel nursing however, I am looking for someone to do traveling with....any one interested email me at...pdstan at @ the night 8)
I work nights and love it. I didn't think I would like it, but I
would not want to go days now.
does anyone perfer night shift

I love it, I have horses and it gives me the daylight hours to play. Wouldn't change it for anything. I do try to catch a nap in the dark at night during the early am (3a) because I read that doing that replaces the chemical balance to your brain to help keep you healthy. There have been studies that dicuss sleep hygiene and It might be good to study this so that u can continue to do what u love and stay healthy...

Going back to nights
Hi everyone! I used to work every shift out there and found that the am's felt the most normal, but the overwhelming stress just wasn't worth it. Neither were all the busted varicose veins. So I decided one day to just quite. I didn't have another job lined up but I knew it wouldn't pose a problem. Then I met my fiancee and we moved in together and have the old fashion belief that the women should stay home and take care of the children and the man works f/t. I just want to keep up with my skills and get a break from the house once to three times a week, plus the added income is worth it too. So I signed up with an agency and I'm going to work nights and I'm excited. I know my fiancee isn't all that excited at the thought of me not being at home in the middle of the night but when he comes to realize that it's better then me not being home during the day or evening he'll come around. I enjoy my domestic duties and I don't want to give those up during the day and I love spending time with my new family in the evening so that just doesn't seem to be a viable option, I feel that the night shift is easier and pays more and then I can snooze a few hours when I get home and still be right on track at night sleeping with the rest of my family.
Been working it primarily since 1983...have tried 8hr shifts and dayshifts, and am a cranky perso.
11pm-7am, you have to wake your sleeping patients to assess them. And don't get to know them, or teach them anything. You just write #'s, baths and paperwork.
Dayshift is so task oriented, gossipy, and everyone is trying to impress the management , the doctors, or the families, the patient is forgotten about.
Nights, you get to think autonomously, meet your patients, care for them, and hopefully do some teaching. More one on one time with your patients. IF you enjoy that.
You can alleviate some of the fears of both the patients and the families, if you are confident with your own decision making skills.
if you asked me, i really love night shifts. im just a new graduate so im saying this out of my intern days. ive found that theyre less stressful than day shifts and the fact that im a nightowl helps