Hi, I am currently on assignment in Honolulu. It can be quite a shock if you're not ready for it. Honolulu is a big city with alot going on, traffic, people etc.. If you are traveling and it's temporary then it's not a big deal.
If you are going to work in Honolulu I would recommend using the bus system and pocket the car stipend that your company will give you. Yes your family can go wherever you go on assignment. You may need to pay out of your pocket for a bigger place. You can have them help with housing or you can do it yourself. They will give you a stipend for that as well. Graigslist is a good place to start if you are really serious about doing it. You just have to decide if you want to do the legwork or just let your company deal with it. The pay over here isn't the greatest either, because the cost of living is so high. If you have more questions you can contact me at my email.
[email protected], Put nursing in the subject line. I wish you well.