Tue 30 Dec, 2008 06:27 pm
Don't work at this hospital!
[/b]Hello fellow nurses. I wish someone would do this for me, so I'm doing it for others. I just finished a contract in the ER at Highline Medical, located in Burien, Washington, and it was the WORST. Let me clarify, so as not to use the "blanket effect"...they had some really good nurses (who should go somewhere else) and some really good techs and doctors. But there is poor management, Charge nurses yell at you right in front of everyone, including the patients; I have never experienced sucn piss-poor attitudes out of certain people, and I am pretty thick-skinned. Now I know why standards of care, positive attitudes, and treating others with respect (even if you don't agree with them all the time) are SO necessary and SO important.
i had no problems with the floor at highline. weird paperwork but it wasnt that bad. no clue about er. they treated me better on the floor then they did the staff. heck even the staff was like your agency we cant expect you to know everything here so we wont give you any admits....