Tue 19 Aug, 2008 08:19 am
Travel nursing
I have been talking with a new travel company, and they submitted my profile to a hospital for a position; however, the recruiter is telling me that I should be the one to call and set up the interview for the job. This baffles me.....I mean, is the recruiter working for me or not? I feel that the recruiter should set up the interview. My current travel company has never asked me to set up my own interview. Any thoughts? Is this common practice? The recruiter tried to tell me that the travel nurses were very competitive and that I should call myself to get my name on top. Maybe I should just start my own business and contract myself out and forget about the middle man!
travel nursing
I also had a recruiter that had me calling the hospitals and asking to talk to managers and call the floors and find out the supervisors, it was american mobile that was having me do that, I was doing all the work and then she gave me the same line you are getting, i have never had another company ask me to do that, nor will i ever do that again, that is their job, and they are having us do their contact work and we have enough to do to negotiate out contracts. good luck
It is my knowledge that a facility lists themselves as either a facility that is OK to call in to, or one that is a no call facility. I personally think it is adventageus to call on my own behalf, and I prefer to do so. You can show more interest or be more aggressive after a contract that you really want.
I too was given the chance to call and speak with the facility and I am glad I did because I was able to find out what bonus they offered to the company I was working for along with what they expected to offer a different length in the contract term, pay etc... So it can definately be to your advantage to call the facility directly if you are given the chance! I'm an ICU RN so maybe its just my "controling" ways, lol.