Wed 30 May, 2007 06:57 pm
i started traveling told i would make great money, i'm making less then at the job i gave up now it's too late to go back how do i make good money more than 35/ hr
Don't work in the south or southeast. California and the West Coast pay the most money. Don't use the travel company's housing....take the stipend instead and find a furnished apartment or a roommate.....I am currently with a travel company, and my rent was $1730.00 for a one bedroom......they didn't tell me the cost of rent until AFTER i signed on ......I wised up and found a great furnished one bedroom and it is only $650.00 a month....and this is in Seattle, Washington where the cost of living is high, so I am much happier.
actually the company you go with in the south has alot to do with how much oyu make. i made 43 bucks an hour in florida were in maine i only made 38 all about the comapny. they try to take as much money as they can from you.
Where did you work in FL for 43???