Thu 31 Aug, 2006 12:55 am
leaving tommorrow (follow up)
OK, nobody had any specific advice but that's alright.
I have been here for two days and no calls from the hospital for an interview even though I submitted everything by last week (before I left home). I know I should have waited for the contract prior to flying but there were other circumstances that caused me to book in advance of signing anything.
I'll allow that the hurricane threat in FL may have caused a delay at the home office, but we'll see in the coming days (hate to sit around a week as the Holiday Weekend passes waiting for everyone to come back and act on this).
The walk through at CA BNE couldn't have gone smoother. Had all my ducks in a row and was out in about 45 minutes. The guy at the window was friendly and courteous and I can't imagine it could have gone any easier. Planning to apply for a NY license while I can still use the same Nursys fee (lasts 90 days I think) and I want to go there next May.
Only hitch in that whole part of this experience so far was the "Live Scan" the day before was considerably more than I expected ($81 as opposed to $25 expected). Extra fees for the DOJ and FBI were in addition to the scanners $25 fee.
But you gotta roll with it, so I've been scouting per diems at the local hospitals other than the one I'm waiting to call me for an interview and will continue tommorrow; only been here two days and have a license for the first time (in CA) today so we'll see how fast this happens and keep anyone here whose interested informed.
Hi, I replied to your other post and just noticed this one. Do I understand you right that you booked your own flight to get out to Cali? They should have done this for you. In addition, your agency most certainly should have known that all the fees associated with walking thru the Board in Sacramento would have cost a lot more than $25!!! And by the way, they should be paying for your hotel while you are waiting!
I was not impressed by RN Network's pay scale, but now I really am unimpressed. I am glad you are safe in Cali from Ernesto. Are you by chance a first time traveler? Sorry for the long post, but i hate people being taken advantage of. Let me know if you need any advise. (I will send you my email if you like). I just discovered this forum, but i am a vet traveler. Hope all goes well for you
Thanks traumabee.
Yes, this is my first travel assignment, and definitely a learning experience so far. I hear what you're saying about what RNN "should" be doing, but I did not come here at their direction and made my flight arrangements without consulting them on what I "should" be doing. As such I feel like they haven't done me wrong on any of this that I have posted here, but I also feel no loyalty or commitment to them either. If what they have for me here is not what I want I have not the slightest reservation with jumping a ship I'm not yet on.
I'd love to correspond directly and tell you more details that I am reluctant to post here yet as they are still unfolding.
Not sure how to contact you but I might have an e-mail address in my profile (don't remember).
Thanks for replying to my post; I was beginning to think no one was interested.