Mon 6 Jun, 2005 07:39 pm
Stay Away from Wuesthoff Rockledge ER
If you value your sanity, nursing license or just plain ability to function stay away from Wuesthoff ER in Rockledge FL. The hospital is ok but the ER is a total disaster. I spent 8 weeks there and am amazed that I survived. The full time staff treat travelers like we are worse than anything, plus they dump everything they can on us. They will leave empty beds for themselves only to dump and dump on a traveler. I have started working in the ICU here at the same hospital and have found a totally different attitude toward us. There is too much confusion and no communications in the ER.
Hello Ron
I grew up in Cocoa FL, and we used to jokingly call it Worst OFF hospital! LOL My father had heart surgery there 7 years ago and the nurse cut his pacer leads short before he went home. He told me they were 'catching' on his shirts, so he cut them off at the skin and let them go inside his skin!! Yes, he 'still' has his pacer leads on! He's 80 years old now. I traveled to a hospital in Ft. Pierce FL... don't do it. Their ER and L&D was just like what you talked about
Wuesthoff Rockledge - I totally agree
I just had an interesting experience on the 4th floor as well. I would NEVER, EVER send anyone I know there to have a baby. More will come on this subject - I still have clinicals there and need to see how that goes. I hope to God it was just one nasty nurse. I have never seen anything like her. More to come later............