Thu 2 Mar, 2006 12:27 am
castor oil...
does it really work to induce labor? im 38 weeks should i use it?
Not if your body isn't ready to go into labor.
And why in heavens name do you want to induce labor at 38 weeks? Just because you are tired of being pregnant? Do you realize that your dates could be off by as much as 2-3 weeks and you could risk delivering a premature baby?
You ought to let your OB/GYN or midwife help you with this. Some docs are comfortable with inductions of labor for social reasons, but, unless you have a good reason for doing this, you ought to wait until your closer to term.
I wouldn't, What's your reasoning??
It's a great way to make yourself feel miserable and dehydrated = more crampy/unproductive labor