unpopular patients
in our carrier nurses often encounter with the patients they(nurses) for some reasons don't like. This labeling patients as "unpopular" or "difficult" leads nurses to provide minimum care, to avoidance, just do the physical task and not see the patient as a whole person, not listening and not trying to understand why the patient acting "difficult".
e.g. the patient with HIV who acts aggressive and verbally or physiclly! abusive.. or patient who is "demanding" and ignores other patients needs and wants to be cared first, ignoring other priorities, who threatens and complains, there are many reasons why nurses sometime prefer to avoid sertain patients.. I would like to heare your opinion how to help nurses to deal with it, how to provide the best care and not to do harm.. because avoidance can do harm too.. emotional and sometimes physical too.. also many nurses feel guilty for their own actions...what are the solutions?
ps: I am sorry for mistakes in spelling, english is my second language, and I am working on getting better with it,