are cells alive? answer to Scott
When I say embyros are alive.. they are on a cellular level, but they cannot be viable as a baby yet. Eggs are alive until they are not fertilized each month. Sperm live until they die in a woman's reproductive tract or through some other means.
Its like apples and oranges. I know this will get into the right to life thing but there are persons men and women that think nothing special about their gametes and don't care what is done with them.
Hence abortions , however they do have that right to choose that... that is a matter between them and God. I have three beautiful children, have never aborted a child and wouldn't that is my moral code. However I am in the ending part of my reproductive years late 30s and I am still producing eggs. I just wish we could heal some of the suffering in the world through this.
I find the people how feel this is wrong, have never watched a loved one die or suffer. I know people say its God's will well if God didn't want us to do stem cell research why would he allow scientists the minds to discover these things.
Actually our field we work in is based on stopping or soothing suffering. There is no right answer I guess. But it holds promise not to control life but help fix it. It is a terrible ethical dilemma with no easy pat answers .