Tue 7 Feb, 2006 05:51 pm
Very Nervous
I have decided that I should go into Nursing after some heavy research into both Nursing and Medical Assisting. My only problem is 5 years ago I was involved in Bank Embezzlement and was convicted 2 years later after some long drawn out court battles. I have since done my time on probation and paid off my fine. I have emailed the Ohio State Board of Nursing and received a response back from the Compliance Officer. She stated that although a theft offense is not an absolute bar for licensure, the board could still deny my application. I am wondering if I should just stick it out with my current job (I am an accounting clerk which I hate) and not pursue my passion. I know I screwed up and I have to deal with that for the rest of my life. I was just wondering if I should still pursue Nursing as a career. I would appreciate any advice. If you want to talk with me more about my situation, I would be more than happy to further explain.
[email protected]
Well, that's going to be difficult to overcome. Every employer these days does background checks, and something like that is sure to come back and haunt you.
The better question here is "What have you done in the past 5 years to demonstrate that your character has improved?" And, who will vouch for you?
I've been a hiring manager, and, because my clients can be defenseless, I would want some strong evidence to prove that you have changed. I would find it difficult to allow you to care for people if I felt that you would steal from them.
So excited!
At present, I'm a nursing sophomore student and so excited to graduate and finally take my nursing career into a higher level. I'm looking forward to work in a hospital in US. I'm sure i'm gonna learn a lot. I can only imagine the wonderful experiences and challenges i'll encounter. Praise God i finally found my rightful place under the sun in the field of nursing. I'm hoping to be excellent in it for the rest of my life and help a great number of people in need.

God bless everyone.
Would it be possible for you to obtain a pardon?
It is worth looking into because nursing is a great career.
If God be for you who can be against you?