Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility (MPE) Program
Here is some information for you. I hope it helps.
Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility (MPE) Program
What is MPE?
MPE is a program for pregnant women. MPE offers immediate, temporary coverage for outpatient health services to pregnant women who meet income requirements. There are no co-payments or premiums in MPE.
How do I get MPE?
You must go to an MPE provider. The MPE provider will decide if you can get MPE. To get MPE, the provider must verify that you are pregnant and you must tell the provider your family's gross monthly income. If you are pregnant and meet the income requirements for MPE, you can get MPE.
You do not have to be a citizen or a legal immigrant to get MPE.
You do not have to have a Social Security number to get MPE.
How do I apply for Medicaid?
You can apply for Medicaid in any one of the following ways: Write, phone, or go to your local department of social services.
In New York City, contact the Human Resources Administration by calling (718) 557-1399. Residents of the five boroughs of New York City may call toll free at 1-877-472-8411.
Pregnant women and children can apply at many clinics, hospitals, and Prenatal Care Assistance Program (PCAP) offices. Call your local department of social services to find out where you can apply.
If you are in a facility operated by the New York State Office of Mental Health, contact the patient resource office.
If you are in a facility certified by the New York State Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, contact the revenue and reimbursement office.