Nash Group
Thanks for your replies--I agree with everything you both said. I think I'm actually getting superstitious (whew, had to check that spelling twice!) because it seems like sending a nurse home is the perfect way to bring in admissions. Now they're telling us to stay home in 4-hour blocks, and wait by the phone in case they decide they need us. The sad part is, people need the pay, so they do it. What a perfect way to wreck a day. You can't even go grocery shopping. (Whoopie! )

Today they told the OR staff to just LEAVE at 3 pm--never mind the equipment, they can clean it in the am, can you believe that?? Now that's stupid, you can't leave that stuff overnight or it will get ruined, and even if it doesn't, what a mess to face in the morning. I bet that won't save them any time then, except the docs will be screaming to get started anyway. This group must not know anything about patients--just money. It's very cold, all calculations and "grids" and such. Oh boy, time for bed....ttyl--Nurse Betty :wink: