looking for help please
Please advise. I am one month away from being off ER orientation (no prior experience) and feel good about my performance so far--altho I am by no means an expert and have MUCH more to see. I have been told by staff, including docs and chief of ER, that I am welcomed and doing well. Patients and family members tell me they hate our ER, have horror stories about the care they've gotten in the past and have even stated our ER would do well to hire more "caring and compassionate"nurses like me

The response I'm getting for the most part is positive.
I love the job, and still have a long way to go tho.
My preceptor ( a veteran with excellent skills) is not the easiest person to get along with. Fights with staff, challenges the docs, ALL the time,creates drama and tension.. I felt sorry for her, tried to be friends and stay on her good side since all this is new to me. Today, to my utter amazement, she tells my manager she does not think I am "where I should be in," my orientation, giving no real concrete reasons to justify her statements and actually going so far as to make things up to make me look bad!!!. I felt sabotaged and blindsided. I think she resents me b/c I am a nice person!! Honest! So, I am disputing this and asking for another preceptor ( I truly believe this woman is unstable) which my manager agrees to do. I have worked so hard to do well here and now I have to ask myself if I really want to work in this ER, or whether or not my manager will keep me!
Does anyone have an opinion please?
N in chicago