Sat 27 Oct, 2007 10:34 am
help needed!!! understanding of the use of Luer locks...
Hi, i am a product design student at DeMontofrt university in leicester, and am currently researching into the way i.v. infusions and drug administrations work.i know nurses time is valuable, but no-one seems willing to help me on an issue that seems so relevant. I'm still confused as to how, why and where luer lock syringes are used, and why there is so many wrong route administrations in the nhs today. With my project i'm hoping to reduce this, but need to understand exactly where the problem arises?!...also i'm still unsure as to how the use of oral syringes are mixed up with i.v. there something i'm blatently missing in my research?! it just seems that these syringes are adaptable to be used and connected to things they are not meant? again, i'm finding it hard to understand.
I know i haven't been that clear, but thats why i'm posting this to see if anybody can clear this up a bit. I will continue researching to try and find out though!
Toby Fox (Ba Product Design, Demontfort University)