Sun 25 Dec, 2005 01:57 am
Tummy Tucks
I am interested in getting cosmetic surgery, a tummy tuck and would like to hear some pro and cons from such a procedure.
I am in the St.Louis area and was wondering if anyone knew of a very reputable physician that dose tummy tucks. Of course it doesn't have to be someone from my area, but I would perfer for follow-ups.
Are there any nurses here that work with Plastic Surgeons?
Are there any nurses here that have had the procedure done?
I had an abdominoplasty done a little over 2 years ago. It was one of the best decisions I made. I had gained a lot of weight when I was pregnant with my twins. I had a high risk pregnancy due to a uterine deformity- a bicornuate uterus (shaped like a heart with a septum down the middle). Since the twins were only on one side, I was very lop-sided and I had extra skin on one side. I was always getting rashes due to the extra skin and my c-section incision always hurt. When the girls were 2 years old I had enough- I had an abdominoplasty. It turns out I had an incisional hernia which is the reason for the incisional pain. I did not find the surgery to be very painful. My doctor made sure I was given muscle relaxants and Mobic routinely during the first 48 hours post-op. My insurance actually paid for this procedure to be done. I would have stayed in hospital only one night but I had a problems with urinary retention post-op. That was my biggest problem post-op. Post-op day one I was actually getting myself out of bed walking in the halls. I am not one to lie around. I hope this helps.
SRM.....I'm in the St. Louis area too....and would LOVE to get a tummy if you hear of a good Dr. please post it
Thanks !
Thanks for you reply kimmiejs
And sure soon2beRN, no problem.
Tummy Tuck...
You are welcome. I know good plastic surgeons in Macon and Savannah Georgia as well as Perth Western Australia

. Sorry I do not know of any in your area.