Wed 21 Dec, 2005 11:07 pm
Student Nurses
I became a Graduate Nurse Monday and I just want to pass on words of encouragement to you all !! The past 2 years have been the most difficult in my life, more so than I ever expected. I knew that nursing school would be difficult, but not to the degree I experienced. Be assured as the semesters fly by, you begin to see "the light at the end of the tunnel".....and all the stress, fears and tears become worth it. No matter what your age, gender, life situation just remember
....YOU CAN DO THIS !! I'm a "non-traditional" student.....aka married, mother, mortgage=debt ....and there were times I questioned continuing through the program b/c life's stresses were almost unbearable, but KNOW that whatever comes your way, stay strong and follow your dream !!! You'll feel like you hit the lottery when you're done, trust me !! I finished Monday and got "my dream job" on Tuesday......and for the FIRST time in my life, I know what it feels like to be a college graduate, even if I am 36. My teenage children are proud of me, my husband, parents and friends are proud too....but most of all, I'm proud of myself for finally accomplishing my dream. So all of you who are in school and having those "moments".....stay focused and stay strong.
That is wonderful! Congratulations and thank you for the encouragment! What kind of job did you accept?
I'll be working on a Cardiology/Transplant floor (hearts/lungs) at a children's hospital. I'll get classtime to learn how to read strips and get certified in PALS. I wanted critical care experience so looks like I'll be getting it !! I'm so excited....I start Jan 10th.....after my 4 day Kaplan review course

I wanted to take it before I started working so it wouldn't interfere with my schedule.
Will you be working the floor or the ICU?
the floor....have to admit, I'm intimidated by the PICU. But I think at this point my goal is the PICU, so we'll see how this floor goes....its called a Progressive Care Unit ?? I think its kind of like a stepdown....does any of this make sense?
I hope you like it. Step down can be tough sometimes because you have more patients and some of them would be in critical care if it were not already full with sicker patients. You learn tons though. I did adult step down and can handle patient loads much better than my fellow grads that went straight to ICU.
First of all, congratulations on your accomplishments. I applaud you for two things: taking Kaplan and for taking a job on the floor.
I took Kaplan when I graduated (approx. 100 years ago) and many people have asked me if it was worth it. I tell them that since I passed boards the first time, yes it was. They will focus you and help you for when the big day comes. However, a preceptor told me something that I want you to keep in mind...
"I know good nurses that failed boards the first time and I know bad nurses that didn't. If you fail, don't worry about it, just take them again. It is not a reflexion of how you will be as a nurse."
Good luck!
As for taking a job on the floor, that is wonderful. I have been in critical care for many years and nothing is worse than a new grad in the ICU. Even six months as a registed nurse on the floor will prepare you beyond what you can imagine for the challenges that lie ahead. Also, you will always have an appreciation for how hard the floor nurses work out there. Relish these challenging and rewarding times that lay ahead of you by working the floor.
As a Cardiothoracic ICU Nurse who is specialized in neonates, pediatrics as well as adults, allow me to give you some advice. First of all, you are doing the right thing; focus on boards. After you pass boards, then begin to do the following:
1. PALS This is good and required for working at a Children's Hospital, but remember that Pediatrics is defined as 40 Kg or less. Since many of your patients will be more than that, I encourage you to continue....
2. ACLS The focus of this certification will be cardiac and respiratory. Granted, they go into strokes and MI's, but it will really give you a good foundation for drugs like Adenosine and Lidocaine and others as well as ECG changes beyond "tachy" and "brady" which are not a real part of PALS but are important to you as a Cardiothorcic nurse.
3. CONGENITAL HEART DEVELOPEMENT AND FLOW If you study this, trust me, you will be so grateful. You will understand an ASD, VSD, Transposition and others without explaination. This also leads into the next suggestion...
4. KNOW THE COMMON CARDIAC SURGERIES/REPAIR In particular, TETRAOLOGY OF FALLOT. Take a class or study online, but learn this, learn this, learn this!
And this is a freebie (no need to study, just remember)...
5. OHT (Open Heart Transplant) HAVE NO VAGUS NERVE This nerve is cut for the transplant, therefore ATROPINE DOES NOT WORK on these patients.
Just so you have a heads up, the difficulty in learning for you has just begun. But I promise, the rewards down the road will be so worth it.
Best of luck to you,
Hi Bossy,
I have been reading your statement on this forum to help and comfort tje nurses. Honestly, I feel you are beyon a good nurse. Thanks God that we have you on this forum. I just want to wish you and your family a very best CHISTMAS.
Thanks so much for your advice and words of wisdom !!! I appreciate it !! I've already done as you said by studying up on the various heart defects as this seems to be the majority of our patients, but as you said there is so much to learn...and there are going to be so many challenges ahead. I also agree about what you said regarding passing the boards, very true. ( good/bad nurses passing/failing) You seem to have a wealth of knowledge and I may come running to you for advice pretty watch out, lol !!