Sat 17 Dec, 2005 06:46 pm
Would you change your mind?
I was just wanting to see if anyone would choose a different profession if they could start all over....Quote:" I never ask the wounded person how he feels; I myself become the wounded person." -Walt Whitman
If I had to do it over, I would have chosen it first. I have a Marketing degree and worked in that field for almost 10 years, then went into nursing.
would I do it over, hell no.
I would NOT go into nursing if I had it to do over. My brother became a chemical engineer, six weeks per year vacation, perks, perks, perks. Plus he makes tons more money than I do, and works less. Most doctors that I know have said they cannot believe anyone would want to go into nursing, with the crappy stuff we do for the crappy pay. Thank goodness we have, though, someone has to do it! I just wish the patients and everyone else would treat us like the professionals that we are, not like hand-maids or slaves. The patients will complain and critisize while you are cleaning their butt for them. By the way, why do pharmacists make so much more money than nurses do? They dispense meds, but we are responsible if anything goes wrong.
would I change my mind????
Hummmm that is a tough question. I just worked last night so I would say yes I would have like to have had my own business and not gone into nursing. But give me 4 days off and I might say I couldn't imagine doing anything other than nursing.

I think my job would be easier if management was better. Where do they find these people any how??? OOPS~~ that is another subject. So I guess my answer to the question would be undecided.
would i go into nursing if i had to do it over again.
I am a new nursing grad , i would do it again , I am smart enough to realize that all jobs have their ups and downs... Unfortunately, if you want to do a good job , like anything it starts at the top. so far, i am encountering lousy management , someone interested in showing how wonderful she is .... writes everyone up all the time for stupid infractions. I think we all have to find our niche in nursing . I am thinking at this point 5 months is enough of nursing home work .... time to try another field of nursing . Hey it happens everywere , no matter what field of work your in...
Changing priorities...
When I was single working long hours, weekends and overtime did not bother me. I actually tried to get as much overtime at least 2 weeks out of the pay-period as possible. Once I got married I tried to cut down on the overtime and weekends. Now that I have children, my priorities in life have changed. I no longer live for work, I live for my family. Hospitals have a hard time when nurses change their priorities like this. It doesn't mean we are just as committed to our job and our patients. Making the extra money is not as important as being their with your children and witnessing milestones like first word, first step, etc...