HI (again)
I appreciate everyone's response. I know it will take some time to feel the confidence that I see other nurse's exhibit.
"Bossy", I hear you. I will always ask questions when I don't know something. I worked to darn hard to just hand my license away. It's not that I think that I'm undertrained. I'm thinking I just lack the confidence that comes with time. (I'm a little impatient)

I guess, maybe I'm also a little of a perfectionist and hate to constantly bug others with questions (especially to those RNs who have TONS of experience). No one has ever complained of my work---I'm just harder on myself. Ya know, being a RN is nothing like most other careers. "To error is human" BUT, our mistakes can kill!!
PLEASE DON'T GET ME WRONG. I love being a nurse!! I'm so very proud of myself for making it through nursing school. I understood the depth of the responsibilities prior to beginning the nursing program. Those state boards are soooo tough, I figured that I could save the world with all that studying I did. Boy, reality is ..................I just have SO much more to learn
Again, THANK you all for your words of wisdom and encouragement!! It's nice to be "normal".