that was funny
Hi Spiffy,
It was good to hear from you--just hearing (i CAN hear you BTW, in my head) what u have to say about the ER makes me feel like i can't wait to work w RN's like u

u sound like fun to work with. And I know I would love it! What kind of hospital is it?
I had a shitty day...had a breakdown when i left work

--( I hate triage and can't get out fast enough) i have a supervisor who is worthless, and a lazy passive-aggressive co worker who i can't stand anymore.
AND i just found out the SICU job isn't evenings--it's nights and i won't do nights (made me psychotic before)...So, I am going to keep the interview on Mon at another hospital (ER), even tho i reallly want to stay where I'm at -any words of wisdom?
BTW--My betta , Lou, is still hanging on, i hope he makes it! I kept one on my desk at work but he died last week, so i'm getting a complex. Your poor frog!! Nature is so cruel, isn't it? I would 've FREAKED! Maybe it was a french betta (get it?froglegs? lame joke,sorry)-
My cat killed my canary once and I had to get rid of her. Now i have one unstable betta, 2 female siamese cats, one dog, one parrot, one dead and one still living hermit crab (funeral TBA).
As u can see Spiffy, I like to type. It's nice to have someone to email like this! I tried to pm u but it doesn't work--
Well, thanks for listening--
oh--a lame joke for u--
why did the blonde ER nurse take a red magic marker to work w her?