pls advise!

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Reply Tue 11 Oct, 2005 10:31 am
pls advise!
Hi. Quick question please--which would give me better experience for future transfer to ER --surgical ICU or telemetry floor? I have no experience in ER, only floor exp (mostly med/surg, neuro, ENT)
Reply Tue 11 Oct, 2005 05:42 pm
Hi Scott,
Thanks for the advice. I am leaning towards an offer to work in a surgical ICU for a yr or so to gain more clinical experience--( lots of traumas). After some time there I'm sure I could handle anything (I hope!). I need challenge like most RN's.
You must be a nurse recruiter..? I know travelers can make good money and if I didn't have responsibilities, I'd be really tempted;)
Thanks for the offer tho.
What CT hospital BTW?
Reply Tue 11 Oct, 2005 06:12 pm

i guess you can call me a's my business. i have traveled for several years and now hire people to travel with me. it's great! my nurses really love the way it works. i pay them very well.....great pay makes happy nurses.

goog luck with your move....both jobs are can really do no wrong.

Spiffy McJesus
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 02:18 am
I'd go SICU (but I'm not sure you need to). What is going to impress an ER manager is seeing that you have taken the initiative to get ACLS, PALS, and TNCC certifications. That way you meet the base requirements going in the door. This not only shows determination it will give you bonus points over most of the other candidates because they won't have to shell out the money to send you to the classes. (Total investment will be about $400-$500 if you can't figure out a way to get someone else to pay for it.

Since you will get an orientation in ER anyway (at least I hope so) it sounds to me like the only thing holding you back is your own insecurities. Have you tried talking to the ER manager and stating that you really want to work for them and what will it take? Word of advise. You can't be timid in the ER. Start selling yourself now.
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 07:01 pm
Hi McJesus--
You are very perceptive and 100% correct when u say it's insecurity holding me back. Our ER is a level one trauma center and i have enormous respect for it.
I do have some floor experience but as i said before, have been on the phones (ONC triage) for the past 3 yrs almost (won't do it again until i'm 85:( and have almost forgotten how to start an IV even!!
So, I would be going from one extreme to the other (ER)--
I've been offered SICU, and like what I see so far and figure after a yr or so I can go anywhere..
I still have to call HRat that other community hospital that offered me day shift in their ER (I really don't want to leave where I'm at after 5 yrs).
This is the 2nd time I am saying no thanks to them--i guess they'll live, huh?
Anyway, I am anything but timid--i just know my limits i guess,(not really insecure). I am confident i'll find my way to the ER soon enough. I've heard SICU is just (if not more) as challenging as ER --I'm up for it.
I have spoken to the manager who is very cool--i'll try again when i'm really ready.
i appreciate what u have to say tho.
Tell me--what do u love and hate about the ER?
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 07:25 pm
a thought...
Hey McJesus,
I just figured out what i was trying to say to u---
As far as doing SICU VS ER now--honestly, my first choice is the ER
At least I'll have an ICU experience behind me...
if i were to go to ER now, I'm pretty sure i'd never leave, and would miss out on ICU.
make any sense?
ok, now i have to go try and save my dying betta fish (any expertise there?)--
Spiffy McJesus
Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2005 01:55 am
First things first. My beta ate the legs off my aquatic frog. (they are supposed to co-exist. I miss my frog). I hate my beta. So even if I knew how to cure cancer in the little suckers, I'm not going to help you out on that one.

As far as the other questions. What I like about ER is the uncertainty of the place. Most days are rather routine. That is, if you can call HIV infected drunks flinging vomit at you, turf'in GOMERS (if you don't know these acronyms try a Google search) as well as the other 88.345% of the patients who will use you for their family doctor (except they assume you are faster and free of charge, and get real pissed if they find out otherwise).

Now that I have that out of the way the real beauty of the ER lies in the camaraderie. When the fecal matter hits the fan we are all on the same side. From the docs to the registration clerks we all pull together*. At times it is poetry in motion. Most of the time it is organized chaos. But it is teamwork at its finest.

*excludes some on call surgeons, AKA as God in their own minds.

OK, I'm starting to ramble. Bottom line. What I like best is the adrenalin (the new kids call it "saving lives"... but that doesn't always happen). What I like the least are system abusers, GI bleeds, OB (sorry, not my thing) and asshole docs (Shit... can I say asshole in here without getting banned?.. guess I'll find out).

Just go for it. You will do fine.
Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2005 06:46 pm
that was funny
Hi Spiffy,
It was good to hear from you--just hearing (i CAN hear you BTW, in my head) what u have to say about the ER makes me feel like i can't wait to work w RN's like u Smile u sound like fun to work with. And I know I would love it! What kind of hospital is it?

I had a shitty day...had a breakdown when i left work Embarrassed --( I hate triage and can't get out fast enough) i have a supervisor who is worthless, and a lazy passive-aggressive co worker who i can't stand anymore.
AND i just found out the SICU job isn't evenings--it's nights and i won't do nights (made me psychotic before)...So, I am going to keep the interview on Mon at another hospital (ER), even tho i reallly want to stay where I'm at -any words of wisdom?

BTW--My betta , Lou, is still hanging on, i hope he makes it! I kept one on my desk at work but he died last week, so i'm getting a complex. Your poor frog!! Nature is so cruel, isn't it? I would 've FREAKED! Maybe it was a french betta (get it?froglegs? lame joke,sorry)-
My cat killed my canary once and I had to get rid of her. Now i have one unstable betta, 2 female siamese cats, one dog, one parrot, one dead and one still living hermit crab (funeral TBA).
As u can see Spiffy, I like to type. It's nice to have someone to email like this! I tried to pm u but it doesn't work--
Well, thanks for listening--

oh--a lame joke for u--
why did the blonde ER nurse take a red magic marker to work w her?

Spiffy McJesus
Reply Sat 15 Oct, 2005 01:19 am
In case she had to draw blood

GOMER Get Out Of My Eemergency Rroom

I don't know if you were joking or not about the breakdown thing, but if stress gets to you, maybe the ER is not the place for you. I'm not trying to be hard.... I think you may need a reality check, because like it or not some ER's (and preceptors) have been known to eat their young.

In terms of a local Podunk ER vs. a level 1 I'm flip flopping on my answer to you. You will get more experience where you are now. This would be invaluable when the unexpected happens. You know that all trauma is supposed to go to XYZ hospital. However, when the local chapter of the Saturday Night Knife and Gun Club drives up, opens the trunk, and throws out two GSW's (gun shot wounds) in the "Ambulance Only" parking spot and speeds at 90 MPH in their lime green Camaro you best be prepared.

In the bigger ER you have plenty of back up. There is no way in hell you will be assigned to a major trauma room until you are ready. While your co-workers are putting in chest tubes, you will at best be putting a foley in grandma. My guess is your first couple of times in the trauma bay all you will do is record. Then again, the local ER is slower paced, and less demanding.
Reply Sat 15 Oct, 2005 10:16 am
u just don't know...
McJ--what's your email address? Not trying to freak u out and it's cool if that's out of your comfort zone.
Spiffy McJesus
Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2005 02:22 am

Sorry in advance for the e-mail name. It's my spam account.

And, just remember that any advice I may give is worth exactly what you pay for it, and since I don't charge, that should to tell you something as to the value of such......
Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2005 08:50 am
thanks for making me laugh so early today--
fyi--I had to look at a map to see where Oregon is -i get confused w Idaho (potatoes, right? lol..i sucked in geography) you're kinda far out there...! (pun intended)

Ore. has pretty trees or something , right?
Anyhoo--look for my email McJ (I'll send u a check- by e mail, get it?)
jokes are getting worse--sorry


Email undeliverable--fake email address? "Just Say No" next time Rolling Eyes
Spiffy McJesus
Reply Mon 17 Oct, 2005 02:06 am

You need to try it again. It works. Over 200 solicitors for no hassle refinance offers and penis enlargement pills can't be wrong.
Reply Mon 17 Oct, 2005 11:08 am
Came back again---here's an idea--email me something so i can just hit "reply"

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