transfer request denied by HR
Hi.I am new here and would appreciate ANY advice. I am RN x 6 years @ teaching hospital, just rec'd denial of transfer to ER -from a tele-nursing job (for past few yrs) I have zero experience in ER, but have always been interested in.
I do have floor exp. in med/surg, trachs, psych, almost everything,before taking this tele-nursing job for the dayhours. Problem is, i only meant to stay in this job for one year, have become very bored, complacent, UNCHALLENGED.
Like i mentioned, my request to transfer to ED was denied by HR,they went w someone w ER experience. I TOTALLY accept that, but am hearing from RN's i work w that it is hard to transfer out of my dept.and that my manager may try to block a transfer for me (!!!

), as this had happened to them!! My manager has never done anything for me, never follows thru w anything, was not happy to hear i want to leave, and ignores the problems in my dept. I have never seen such ineptness in any manager I've ever had!
My interview w ED went better than i expected, so i am naturally disappointed, (and a little suspicious now). My concern is. will this happen again? Does my mangaer actually have the power to block a transfer for me? Do I have any recourse? This job i want to leave is very hard to fill, highly stressful (but good hours), but it is way pasttime for me to move on and I want out!! I don'twant to leave this hospital (altho I have been offered ERposition at my local hospital), but I guess i might have to!
Also, which is tougher nursing--ER or ICU?
ANY ADVICE wil be sincerely appreciated.Thanks and have a nice day today!
